The regular newsletter of the Circle. is available in a printed version and as a download to e-members. E-members have access to extra pages containing exclusive photos and embedded audio/video tracks that are sent as a special link to e-members.
(pdf version and flipbook in members area only)
This is the website of the Duane Eddy Circle which is the official world wide club and appreciation group fully endorsed by Duane Eddy. Our aim is to bring you news and information on the 'Titan Of Twang'. The highlight of our calendar year is our annual convention which has been held in London since 1978. We now hold online conventions using' Zoom'. There have been seven online conventions since 2020
We do not promote any unauthorised audio - visual material.
The members area contains exclusive information to members only including downloadable back issues of 'Twangsville', interviews, discography etc. Current and some back-issues of Twangsville are available for immediate download in the members area; we post regular new audio & video exclusives in the members-only section and encourage all members to check this area on a regular basis.
For over forty years the Circle has held annual conventions in the UK featuring rare Duane Eddy video clips and live music. Since the pandemic, we have held 7 virtual conventions on Zoom with worldwide participation.
Duane Eddy "Twangsville"
Available online or printed copy.
From 1956 through to 2020 Duane has recorded and has had issued over 400 song titles and has appeared in live performances throughout the world -See here for song list
Duane's first album spent 82 weeks in the Billboard charts and contained his first 4 singles. It was also one of the first rock n roll albums issued in stereo(some tracks)
- Have Twangy Guitar Will TravelFirst album
Regarded as a classic - back to his roots, Duane's magic interpretations of 12 country songs
- Twang A Country Song Classic RCA album
Recorded in Sheffied England in 2011 with Richard Hawley and his band